
February 2020

Locating the Breach
A new report mapping land conflicts in India by project partner, Land Conflict Watch. Launched on 28th November, 2020 in New Delhi, it provides an analysis of over 700 ongoing land conflicts and a study of the social, economic and legislative factors causing these conflicts. It lays the foundation for future investigations and research around the political economy of land in India..
Authors: Thomas Worsdell and Kumar Sambhav
12 July 2019

Sorrows of the soil
The pain of disappearance — of land, language and roots — is almost inseparable from the sinister side of development.
Author: Sumana Roy
27 March 2019

Tragic tale of a ‘man-eating’ tigress tells us so much about the climate crisis
The way that we live on Earth is causing an unprecedented acceleration in species extinction. Now, more than half a million species “have insufficient habitat for long-term survival” and are likely to go extinct unless their natural environments are restored. But we are already seeing major problems from this intrusion, not least through an increase in human-animal conflict.
Author: Nayanika Mathur, University of Oxford
(re-published in Quartz and Newsweek)
23 April 2019

मकभी खुल कर बोल पायेगी जयन्ती
जमीन से जुडी़ जिंदगियों के बारे में देखा जाये तो हमारें बुंदेलखंड बस की समस्या नहीं है यह तो पूरे देश भर में है । अगर हम जाति धर्म और लिंग की बात करे तो हर जगह महिलाओं और लड़कियों के साथ भेदभाव किया जाता है।
Video story: Meera Devi and Shyamkali, Khabar Lahariya
27 March 2019

The Many Lives of Land (republished)
In a multi-dimensional perspective, land moves in and out of commodity status, and is far from just a marketable product.
Author: Nikita Sud, University of Oxford
5 March 2019

Spectre of eviction looms over forest dwellers
The ‘encroacher’ tag is used to selectively evict forest-dwelling people. In order to save mountain ecology and economy, the need of the hour is to strengthen the human-nature symbiosis. Those who depend on land for traditional occupations and live close to the forest need to be assured of their tenurial rights for justice; they should again become the custodians of forests.
Author: Manshi Asher, environmental researcher-activist
16 February 2019

Digitising Land Management Has Taken Away Its Socio-Physical Identity
While land records have become more standardised, land itself is posing new complexities – and possibilities – to the people managing it.
Author: Nafis Aziz Hasan, UCLA
11 February 2019

[ES] Las muchas vidas de la tierra en India
Los movimientos contra la transición de la tierra han surgido en diferentes partes de la India, exigiendo mejores términos de intercambio, más equidad y transparencia.
Author: Nikita Sud, University of Oxford (translated)
3 February 2019

Understanding Land in the Time of Farmers' Suicides
Indian farmers have always viewed land ownership as the ultimate source of livelihood security, but that may not be true anymore.
Author: A. Narayana, Azim Premji University
22 January 2019

The many lives of land in India
In a multi-dimensional perspective, land moves in and out of commodity status, and is far from just a marketable product.
Author: Nikita Sud, University of Oxford
27 December 2018

Why We Need to Re-Think Our Relationship With Land, in Chhattisgarh and Beyond
Perhaps unwittingly, the state government's decision to return land to Adivasis could provoke a much-needed discussion.